Thursday 30 June 2011

four years on a shoe-string.

an old friend of mine is due to start at uni in september, and asked me (as I have JUST finished my degree!) if i had any advice as regards to cheap living. what a perfect blog opportunity! here goes...

1. budgeting

work out a weekly budget and stick to it! it's worth considering that occasionally time will call for 'one off' items outside of a normal spend; make a note of what these things are likely to be (ie work clothes, books, urgent trips home) so that you don't end up straying off budget with the excuse that that pair of heels/ ben and jerrys stash/ amazon splurge 'doesn't count' because it was only a 'one off' spend. let's be realistic here.

a really great way to stick to your budget is to withdraw the amount you intend to spend each week on the first day of the week; and then leave your card at home if you think you might still be tempted. every time you open your purse, you will know exactly how well you have been spending/ splurging because the evidence is right there!

if you have any left over at the end of the week, you can be cheeky and let it roll over into the next week and have an extravagant 7 days (because you're only human after all), OR you could be a proper goody-two-shoes about this and pop it in a piggy bank. allocate a use for your savings: paying bills, buying birthday and christmas gifts OR just treating yourself; if your piggy bank is nice and heavy, you've earned a treat anyway. GUILT FREE!

when you go food shopping, make a list! don't be tempted by things just because they are on offer. yes, i know it's 2 for £1, but do you really need those party canopes?!

2. lunch time

meet your two new best friends, mr tupperware and mr thermos flask.

there are several ways to save money at lunch time, and it's really important to try to do so as it's unbelievable how much you can end up spending;
a cup of tea: £1.50
a mid morning snack: 75p
a sandwich/ snack/ drink meal deal: £3
....that's just over £5 a day...that's £25 a week!


you could prep yourself a sandwich each day (loaf of bread, some sliced ham or chicken or cheese, some salady bits = £8 for the week)

you could make enough food at dinner time to have some left over for lunch the next day (caution; will power is required so as not to eat it all at once...)

you could take a thermos of soup each day, plus a few slices of bread/ ryvita/ rice cakes.

as regards snacks: fruit, dried fruit and nuts, carrot sticks are a cheap and healthy alternative to things like crisps and cereal bars. also, if you can buy fruit and nut mixes/ trail mixes etc by weight from a market, it's generally cheaper than buying from the supermarket. and you generally get more choice too.

it sounds really cheeky, but some union coffee outlets or staff canteens will let you have free boiling water...bung a few fruit tea bags in your handbag and save on pricey teas and coffee.

3. dinner time

if you get along with your housemates, suggest taking it in turns to cook for each other. this saves time, and it's cheaper to cook a meal for x number of people every x number of days than it is to cook a meal for one every night of the week. alternatively, cook enough for several days and freeze some. again, portion control is key here...

4. keeping track

i always strived to do this but have only just really started to be really strict with myself. keep a record (in a notebook, on a wall chart, in an excel file) of how much you have spent each week and what you have spent it on; it's a lot easier to keep track of everything. if you have a part time job too, write in how much you have earned. this has only just become really useful for me because i'm saving hard, so it's good to see how far i have to go before i reach my target.

5. don't stress

 stay smart, don't panic, HAVE FUN.

as a wise woman once told me,

'even if i could tell you just how fast time flies, you would never believe me'

that said, try not to look so far into the future (ie post deadline parties, end of year celebrations or even graduation) that you miss out on what's happening right NOW!

good luck amy, you'll have a ball :)

1 comment:

  1. Great piece, as a soon-to-be graduate I can really relate to a lot of what you said and you write so well. Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog, happy blogging :)
