Tuesday 26 April 2011

why there isn't a god.

...from a diplomatic yet dreamily creative, ditsy and somewhat lost young woman's perspective.

Because everything is far too complicated. There can't be a single person who allocates a person or a decision or an event as 'good' or 'bad'.

If there was a God, even if He/ She had no role in determining the outcome of events, but simply watched over them, then they would be able to draw transparent and logical conclusions about the 'goodness' of a person by observing the role of said person in said events.

This is impossible. To assume that any aspect of life or of Earth can be broken down into such simplistic terms is naive, immature and ignorant.

I sincerely believe that if this were the case then the world would be a better place. People don't suffer because of innate evil, or wrong decisions, or actions taken by 'bad' people. People suffer because a single event has infinite consequences, and they can't always be predicted or determined.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't act to minimise suffering. I'm saying that suffering isn't necessarily a result of evil people, who, if God has His/ Her way would be in Hell already. Because I sincerely believe that there is no such thing as Evil; that would just be far too easy an explanation.

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